Title & Ref.No: Tender for Providing a separate walkway for pedestrian all around CPY, demarcation of RTG Crane Track of CPY with retro-reflective thermoplastic paint and construction of a foot path from 4 no. gate to over Head steel Tank near 4, NSD at N. S. Docks.
Tender Category: Civil Engg. Department
Tender Date: 27-Dec-2013 00:00:00
Bid Open Date: 21-Feb-2014 00:00:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 115 KB
Tender Details:

Tender for Providing a separate walkway for pedestrian all around CPY, demarcation of RTG Crane Track of CPY with retro-reflective thermoplastic paint and construction of a foot path from 4 no. gate to over Head steel Tank near 4, NSD at N. S. Docks.

 [302 /NSD/26    Dt. 27.12.13]

EEO-33NSD Providing a separate Walkway for pedestrain all around CPY

Price Bid(EEO-33NSD) Providing a separate walkway for pedestrain all around CPY, demarcation of RTG Crane Track.

Tech. Bid(EEO-33NSD) Providing a separate walkway for pedestrain all around CPY, demarcation of RTG Crane Track.

S.No Heading Dated Bid Open Date Details
1 Extension 30-Jan-2014 00:00:00 21-Feb-2014 00:00:00 Details