Title & Ref.No: Removal of impediments (in the form of derelicts of a bed bar)on the east of EES buoy at upper Eden channel in Hugly Estuary,Haldia Dock Complex,KoPT...13-Feb-2017
Tender Category: Infrastructure and Civic Facilities Division
Tender Date: 20-Jan-2017 12:00:00
Bid Open Date: 13-Feb-2017 15:30:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 33 KB
Tender Details:

Sealed tenders are invited on two Cover basis (i.e. Cover-I Techno-Commercial Part & Cover-II Price Part) from resourceful, experienced and bonafide bidders with sound technical and financial capabilities for the following work at Haldia Dock Complex.



E-Tender No:KoPT/Haldia Dock Complex/I&CF Div/71/16-17/ET/490


S.No Heading Dated Bid Open Date Details
1 CORRIGENDUM 13-Feb-2017 11:30:00 --- Details